
Electronic Communication

Electronic Communication :Telephone, Internet, Fax, E-mail

Electronic Communication is the use of electronic media to communicate. Computer systems, fax machines, email, tele or video conferencing, and satellite networks are examples of this type of Communication.

With the improvement of electronic Communication, people may quickly exchange conversations, pictures, images, music, graphics, maps, interactive software, and hundreds of other things. Jobs, workplaces, and cultures are changing due to electronic technology, and people may now readily access global Communication without having to travel.

Decision-making, coordination, control, and planning all require Communication. Communication is essential in the accounting, finance, personnel, public relations establishment, sales, market research, production, and buying departments, among other departments.

Communication with government shareholders, potential investors, consumers, and so on is also essential for the day-to-day operation of the business concern. Traditional communication processes are insufficient to suit the demands of international corporations. As a result, contemporary communication technology  required to suit the needs of modern corporate enterprises. Electronic data transfer has enhanced

The computer, a device made up of electrical and electromechanical components, lies at the heart of electronic communication technology. Successfully engaging in the study, global Communication by connecting people practically quickly, regardless of their geographical location.


Explain in brief about electronic Communication:

Design, implementation, and usage of computer waste system information  required for a successful organization. Management Information Systems (M.I.S.) used in modern business to give informational assistance to an organization’s managerial functions. A management information system (M.I.S.) is an automated system that displays information from both within and outside the company to assist in making routine decisions.

In addition, A variety of communication channels represent the vast range of data communication applications and the numerous new technologies in the communication sector.


As Samuel Green guard

states that new technologies are changing the way we work. The use of the Internet and other technologies such as email,  Voicemail, faxes, etc., introduce effective organizational Communication for business Enterprises. Businesses dealing with Communication problems have emerged due to this new technology.

Further, It appears that Communication takes only a few seconds. We can now access the Internet, which is available to private businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and other organizations worldwide. It connects smaller computer networks and millions of computer users in the United States and worldwide.

The world wide web (www) is the most extensively used Internet, allowing users to search for pictures, text, audio, and video files. To search a web page, subscribers will require web browser software such as Netscape Navigatoror Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. The homepage of a website is the initial screen people see when they visit it.


What are the advantages of electronic Communication? 

The benefits of electronic Communication  highlighted in the following areas. Reliable Transmission: Because electronic media allows for fast transmission, it just takes a few seconds to communicate.

Comprehensive coverage: A fraction of a second is all it takes to communicate in today’s global village.

Affordability: Time and money  saved by using electronic Communication. Text SMS, for example, is less expensive than regular letters.

Feedback exchanges: Electronic Communication provides for real-time feedback sharing. As a result, electronic media improves Communication.

Managing a Global Business: Business managers may now effortlessly control activities worldwide thanks to advances in electronic media. In this regard, managers gain from email, mobile Communication, and video or teleconferencing.

Disadvantages of Electronic Communication

The following constraints apply to electronic Communication:

The volume of data:

Firstly, The volume of telecommunication data is increasing, that business people cannot keep up with it in the time allotted.

Development costs: Secondly, Infrastructural development for electronic Communication necessitates a significant investment. The constant evolution of technology necessitates further expenditure.

Legal standing: Further, In the eyes of the law, data cannot corrupted and has no value.

Undelivered data : And Due to a system malfunction or a technological flaw, data may not be retrievable. As a result, critical services will  delayed.

Reliance: Moreover, Technology evolves daily, and impoverished countries cannot keep up because they cannot buy new or sophisticated technology.


How many types of electronic communication systems are there?

Electronic communication devices come in a wide range of sizes and designs. Here are a few examples of several sorts of electronic communication Systems:

Get in touch with us:

The telephone is the most used means of oral communication. No matter where they are on the globe, it brings people together. It establishes the tone for conversation and enables us to communicate while moving or from any location. Graham Bell developed the idea in 1876.

As a result,  Telephones in those days and telephones nowadays are vastly different. The contemporary telephone has evolved into a cell phone, which  readily portable and may be used anywhere on the planet where a mobile operator’s network available.

Telex: Telex is an essential data-transfer device. A teleprinter is a device that allows information to be sent from one location to another. In addition , It has a wide range of official applications, but the emergence of newer modern devices has limited its use. Because data transmission takes longer and costs more, such tools are no longer available in current times.


Mobile Technology in Electronic communication :

It  ushered in a revolution in the field of Communication by giving practical ways to interact with anybody connected to the Internet. As a result of this technology, the following value-added services  created:

(a) voicemail; (b) voicemail; (c) voicemail; (

voice SMS

b) end an SM

c) Taking a look around

(e) Theme music

f) a musical present

(g) A Push-Pull service is available.

Multimedia :

It’s an excellent method to blend sound, text animation, and visuals to create a memorable impact. We get a taste of modern Communication when such an effect  exhibited on a monitor. Multimedia commonly utilized in advertising to draw attention to any product or service. So,  Our cell phones may also used to observe the impact of multimedia. In today’s world, when multimedia is a vital component, we use EDGE or GPRS.

Fax :

Fax is the abbreviation for facsimile. It is a gadget that transmits designs, drawings, sketches, letters, circulars, and articles, among other things. It’s an electronic telefax machine that’s been enhanced. Both parties have fax machines, the most current method for conveying textual information and messages from one location to another. Telephone lines link fax machines together. Further, The facsimile of the textual information  transferred to the addresses and is automatically duplicated on paper in the receiving machine simultaneously.

Electronic  mail (Email) :

Email is electronic mail in which textual messages are conveyed to a recipient over telecommunication links. Here, computer terminals  networked to communicate messages from one to one or many. The sender combines the news on a computer screen before sending it to the recipient. After that, The receiver receives the message in their mailbox, where they may read it and, if required, react. Mail server machines, connected over the network, process and direct sending and receive email.

Video  conferencing :

A recent innovation in Communication is video conferencing. Meetings and conversations  frequently conducted using this style of Communication. Since,  This form of Communication  typically utilized when it  challenging to schedule an expensive meeting or when long-distance travel is necessary. Through conferencing, people may collaborate virtually and without incurring travel costs with those who are located all over the world. There are several types of conferencing, including screen sharing, audio, video, and multimedia conferencing.

Teleconference : People may have meetings or talk over the phone with this technology. Participants converse verbally while separated and can only hear the voice. Teleconferencing  used to hold group meetings in an international culture.

Text for the day: This is a television beamed electronic message. This kind of writing is frequently used to speak to numerous people. Teletext delivers breaking news, business reports, stock market updates, weather forecasts, and other information.

Read more:

Verbal and Nonverbal communication explain information

Webcam :

The phrase “webcam” or “web camera” refers to any camera that creates pictures that can be accessed through a server and shown on the Internet. A webcam is simply a camera directly or indirectly linked to a computer and collects a sequence of pictures for remote display elsewhere. A wide range of individuals widely utilizes webcam technology for various purposes.


Moreover, The first webcam  installed at Cambridge University‘s computer science department in 1991, and since then, web cameras have been installed in homes, companies, public streets, and buildings. Webcams used in business for video conferences, and some schools and daycare centers utilize them to allow parents to see what their children are doing.


Internet : The most recent innovation in communication, the Internet, has changed how people communicate. It  improved the speed with which electronic Communication  carried out. The Internet is a network linked together by telephone lines, satellites, or radio connections. It uses networking to connect computer users and aids in the study of information and data as well as the sharing of global knowledge. Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is a type of commerce that uses the Internet’s architecture to let companies do business with their respective stakeholders. So,  It is possible to communicate via email, teleconference, video conference, VOIP (voice over internet protocol), chat, and messaging.

Advantages of Internet in Electronic communication 

The Internet offers a variety of advantages, including the following:

Communication advancement: The Internet’s primary goal has always been to facilitate Communication. The Internet has outperformed all expectations. As a result of its arrival, our planet has become a global community, and we may now form worldwide friendships to explore in a flash.


Information availability: The Internet is a reliable information source. Search engines like Google and Yahoo allow us to access information on various topics, including products and services, money-related issues, market data, academic and educational concerns, fresh concepts, and technical support.


Provide entertainment : Individuals like the Internet for a variety of reasons, including entertainment. Games, movies, music, and talking are available on the Internet, and people enjoy self-feeding for pleasure and enjoyment.


Service accessibility: Many services, such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing and booking tickets, hotel reservation information and suggestions, and so on, are now available over the Internet. The Internet enables services to  provided at a low cost while overcoming time and geographical restrictions.


The E-Commerce Message: Electronic commerce, or E-Commerce, is the buying and selling of goods and services through the Internet. Because of E-commerce, any goods or services may be delivered to our doorstep, which  available anywhere on the planet via the Internet.


Downloading software : This is the most popular and entertaining activity to do on the Internet. We can get a lot of games, music, films, movies, funny clips, and other entertainment applications for free from the Internet.


Advantages of electronic mail (Email

Electronic Communication referred to as email. Some advantages of utilizing an email system include the following:

Email is cheap: Email seems to be a more affordable option than phone calls because it is a person-to-person communication method. It is affordable.

Email is fast: It cuts down on time spent dialing phone numbers. When compared to regular mail, it is the first.

Communication  without physical presence : It enables two people to converse without needing to be physically present at the same time.

Secrecy: Because the letter  delivered to a unique, individual mailbox that the intended recipients can only access, the privacy of Communication is protected.

Reducing down on the page consumption: Internal memory and reports may be transferred online instead of on paper, reducing paper use in the office.

Improved efficiency: It provides employees with more access. As a result, it can boost office efficiency and productivity.

Wide application: Email can  transmitted across a local area network (LAN) or a vast area network to any global network.

Easy to operate : Communication through email is simple when the recipient can scan the message and decides whether or not to answer. Suppose the reaction life is what’s used to describe this. He can do so or, if he would like, simply delete the correspondence. The message may be stored, and a printout can be obtained.

Flexibility: Its strategies. A message can sent to several recipients at the same time.

More practical: And Email is more convenient to use than any other means of email communication.

Read more:

Communication media: Personal and Business letters.


The disadvantage of electronic mail (email)

Email is a widely used electronic Communication mode, yet it has the following drawbacks.

Invasion of privacy: There’s a danger that information will  leaked via email. The email server has been compromised, allowing for message snooping. As a result,  People may not pay attention to him or miss any messages because they receive thousands of emails daily.

A lack of personalization: It is impossible to divulge every personal touch in a face-to-face chat or even a phone call.

Nonverbal Communication is lacking: Email does not entail body movement or formal statements. As a result, the receiver’s immediate attention is not possible in this situation.

Sudden Change in Rumor: Email may quickly spread rumors, but it only takes one click to deliver a negative message.

Unwanted email: Unwanted email Any mail with viruses or sperm material may destroy computer systems.


Usage of multimedia 

Multimedia may  used in a variety of industries.

Business : Multimedia makes up many of the electronic old and new media employed by commercial artists. In advertising, exciting presentations utilized to capture and maintain attention. Creative services businesses frequently design upgraded multimedia presentations beyond simple slide shows to market ideas or spice training for business-to-business and interoffice Communication. Commercial multimedia developers may charge more to create government and non-profit services apps.


Fine arts and entertainment: Furthermore, multimedia  widely employed in entertainment, particularly in developing special effects in films and animations.

Education : In education, multimedia  utilized to produce reference books like encyclopedias and atlases and computer-based training courses.

Reporting: Traditional media outlets aren’t the only ones who report on the news. Freelance journalists may create multimedia components for their news articles using various new media. It uses technology to engage a global audience and develop tales, resulting in innovative communication approaches for both media producers and consumers.

Engineering : Multimedia may  used by software developers in Computer Simulations for various purposes, ranging from entertainment to military or industrial training. Creative experts and software developers process to keep on multimedia for software interfaces.

Industry : In the industrial sector, multimedia conveys information to employees, managers, and stockholders. Thanks to the practically infinite number of web-based technologies currently accessible, multimedia may also  used to teach workers, market, and sell goods globally.


Scientific and mathematical research:

Modeling and simulation in mathematics and scientific study use multimedia extensively. For example, scientists can modify a particular chemical’s molecular model to create a new substance. Journals like the Journal of Multimedia publish representative research.

Medicine : In medicine, clinicians can learn by seeing a virtual surgery or by simulating diseases brought on by germs and viruses and devising preventative measures.

Imaging of records: Document imaging is a process that turns a hard copy of an image into a digital format (for example, scanners).

Disabilities: Ability media enables people with disabilities to get multimedia certifications and pursue occupations that give them access to a diverse range of reliable communication tools.

In sum up, Multimedia is particularly essential in the world of electronic Communication.


Business-related software 

Business software is a software package that assists a firm in increasing or measuring productivity.

Further, The phrase has a wide range of applications in the commercial world, and it may  defined by a small, medium, and big matrix.

Home office programs and suites, such as OpenOffice.org or Microsoft Office, dominate the market for small businesses.

Accounting software, customer relationship management, human resource management, outsourcing relationship ship management, loan origination software, and shopping cart software,

field service software and other productivity-increasing programs are available to medium and small businesses.

Enterprise software applications, such as enterprise resource planning, enterprise content management (E.C.M.), business process management (B.P.M.), and product life cycle management, are included in the last part. The scope of these applications is broad, and they frequently have modules that either add native features or integrate the capability of third-party software packages.

Read more:

Internal Communication: Formal and Informal

Employment communication: CV and Appointment letter


In conclusion, This article discusses electronic Communication, including its definition, types, advantages, disadvantages, and applications such as the Internet and email. We hope you find the knowledge in this post to be helpful. If you liked this article, please tell your friends about it. I eagerly await your helpful feedback. Learn about electronic Communication by reading the message. In the following command, I’ll tell you about it.

Stay in good health.